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REFLECTION: thoughts & notes

Clean Power is a series of video games produced by Fortum, a leading clean energy company that offers alternate solutions to the world’s environmental issues.  First of all, I am not a gamer by any stretch of the imagination. The last video I game attempted to play was Space Invaders many, many moons ago.  Clean Power reminds me a lot of the game Candy Crush, of which my sisters and thirty-five of nieces are requiring addiction intervention for mental burn out and physical exhaustion.  It requires of its players the ability to sort and combine various carbon based batteries and glass to rename a few.  This game is a valuable tool for young students to learn about their environment and global warming threats that we all face.  Students are taught about cause and effects of negligent behaviors and habits of humans. 


There are twenty-seven levels of ascending difficulty in this video game, which for me was twenty-seven of part fun and frustrations.  However, between each torturous game, Fortum saw fit to provide environmentally friendly facts for the gamer/reader to be aware of. Thoughts like finding energy alternatives and preventing a little thing called global warming before we all have to cut the last remaining trees to build an ark like vessel to withstand the newest impending flood.


Upon reaching the level twenty-seven, students and gamers alike are encouraged by these words, “You’ve made the earth a better place to live.” – Fortum

Another quote directly from Fortum’s Clean Power game is “In less than two hours enough sunlight strikes the earth to provide the entire planet’s energy need for one year.”

When was the last time an online video game inspired to think locally and globally about our planet?


Overall, the game may be appropriate for 2ndgraders and higher because it employs higher Math skills, hand eye coordination, quick thinking, and geographical knowledge which in hopes influences conservation and care for our planet.

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